Dental Corporations

Initial Permit Application

STEP 1: Request for Consent to Incorporate

Begin by choosing the name for your corporation. It is a requirement under The Dental Association Act, that the corporation name includes the words Dental Corporation. It is also a requirement of The Bylaw for Dental Corporations that if the members surname is used it must be preceded by “Dr.” The applicant or his/her representative/lawyer/accountant is required to obtain a name reservation from the Corporation's Branch of Manitoba and forward a written request for consent to incorporate to the MDA, along with a copy of the Name Reservation issued by the Corporations Branch indicating the name is available and reserved for 90 days.

STEP 2: Certificate of Status

Once you have selected a name for your corporation, ensuring it complies with the Bylaw, and obtained consent to incorporate, the Corporations Branch will issue you an Original Certificate of Status. You must now obtain from MDA a permit to practise dentistry as a corporation in Manitoba.

STEP 3: Application to Incorporate

The applicant or his/her legal representative must deliver the following documents completed correctly to MDA in order to obtain a permit to practise dentistry as a corporation in Manitoba:

a) Dental Corporation Initial Permit Application Form
b) An original Certificate of Status issued by the Manitoba Corporation Branch 
c) A Certified/notarized copy of the Articles of Incorporation 
d) Cheque(s) totaling $1,000 ($500 for registration and $500 for annual permit)
e) Proof of Malpractice Insurance coverage for your corporation in the amount of not less than $3 million from CDSPI.

Changes to Corporation Information

The MDA must be informed of any changes within 15 days of the change occurring according to The Bylaw for Dental Corporations

For changes to dental corporation name or changes involving Articles of Amendment or Articles of Amalgamation, please complete the  Dental Corporation Permit Revision Form and associated documents. The necessary declarations are available here. An  Instructional Guide is available for more information. Please include an original copy of the Articles and a Certificate of Status from the Companies Office.

For changes to the practice location president, shareholders or directors please complete the Dental Corporation Change of Information Form and necessary declarations for new voting shareholders and directors. An Instructional Guide is available for more information. 

Please submit to MDA within 15 days of any change. 

Permit Renewal

A permit to practise dentistry as a corporation must be renewed annually - by June 30.

Information for renewing permits are in Guidelines for Dental Corporation Permit Renewal.

The Dental Corporation specific permit renewal forms will be sent to the registered office of the Dental Corporation by May 31 each year. If the Registered Office has not received the Dental Corporation specific renewal form by this date, please contact the Administrator of Registration, Licensing and Dental Incorporations, 204-988-5300 ext 6 for the permit renewal form.


When preparing the share structure, dental corporation shares may only be allocated as follows:

a) Voting Shares

Only a dentist licensed with the MDA in the General Practitioner, Specialist or Academic class who is in good standing or a Dental Corporation with a valid permit is eligible to own shares.

b) Non-voting Shares

Non-voting shares may be held by a voting shareholder of the corporation, a spouse, common-law partner or child of a voting shareholder, or a corporation whose shares are owned by the aforementioned.  No other person may hold non-voting shares.  A numbered company owned by the dentist may also hold non-voting shares and the dentist must indicate the relationship with each non-voting share.


Bylaw for Dental Corporations

A bylaw, pursuant to the Dental Association Act (the “Act”), which prescribes the regulation of the practise of dentistry as a dental corporation and schedules of fees.

Q & A

Dental Corporations | Q & A

1. Where do I obtain information and/or documents necessary to incorporate?
2. What is the first step?
3. Once I have the MDA’s consent to incorporate what is the next step?
4. How do I obtain a permit to practise dentistry as a corporation in Manitoba?
5. Who can hold shares in the corporation?
6. How often do I have to renew the permit?
7. Is malpractice insurance required?
8. Does the MDA have to be informed if I make changes to the Corporation?
9. May a member incorporate more than once?